An Archwing that includes 4 unique abilities that equally protect and devastate your enemies! New Quest: Archwing! Complete the quest to begin your Archwing journey!.Your journey with Archwing includes many options that all begin with the Archwing Quest.Īll players Mastery Rank 2 or greater are eligible to begin the Archwing quest.

Please post issues in the appropriate subforum threads. We will be standing by as long as humanly possible to resolve issues as they appear with this Update! Only able to be destroyed upon being observed, this species thrives off going unreported. The Solar System’s vastness has much to be explored, and even more to be destroyed! Potentially lurking in the depths of space are the most feared enemy of all: BUGS. Tenno, with Archwing comes a whole new way to move, play and experience Warframe. Earning favor with one may have consequences with another. Unique Titles and Mods for your loyalty are available from each Syndicate, but be warned. Which Syndicate has earned your loyalty? Available at Mastery Rank 3, Tenno can align themselves with one of six mysterious Syndicates, earning you unique Sigils and standing to represent your chosen allegiance. Choose from the offensive Elytron Archwing or well-rounded Odonata and bring the fight straight to the enemy, Tenno!

Two unique game modes, new enemies, weapons and Mods are all available. Tenno take flight - Archwing has arrived! Players Mastery Rank 2 or greater can quest to assemble the Archwing technology allowing for space combat sans spacecraft. The power of the Void is in the palm of your hand, Tenno. Walk through the void to attack enemies that fall within your trap, or create surges through the rift plane to deal bonus damage to any trapped within. Limbo, master of the Void, controls powers unlike any Warframe yet! Able to displace enemies from the battlefield into other dimensions Limbo is a master of battlefield control.