While I’m not an avid multiplayer gamer, the concept of modding and user-created maps, should add a great deal of replay value.Click to expand.So, are you saying that you have doubts of this? By all means, test the theory and see what happens. This was probably done to make each sequel appear more enticing. Traditionally, this hasn’t been the case as Activision focused on locking the core experience. This is a rather surprising announcement and I’m pleased to see the Call of Duty franchise support modding. Stay tuned to the Treyarch blog for more information. In order to keep you informed, we’ll periodically publish developer blog posts to share our progress with our fans. There is much more news to come including updates on Open Beta timing. Sometimes features slip or drop off altogether, sometimes they get replaced with other, more awesome features as we hit into limitations of our original plans. Please remember that this is software development, so things don’t always work out exactly as planned.

Since the release of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, PC gamers have experienced a number of poor ports due to a low FOV, and hazy graphics. The Call of Duty franchise gained notoriety for its incredibly popular multiplayer modes which feature fluid and accessible gunplay.